New User and Password Reset Request
This is an automated request to issue you access to the Supreme Court's full Language Interpreter Registry application. To access
this site, you must have been certified as a language interpreter or be an active candidate seeking certification. By clicking on the
'Request ID' link below, an e-mail will be sent to confirm your status. In the e-mail, please indicate your full name, phone number,
address, and judicial circuit and click 'Send'. The AOIC will then validate this information and return an e-mail to you with the user ID
and password authorizing your access to the site. You are then required to change your password to secure access to the site and
your personal information. Passwords must be at least eight (8) characters in length, contain at least one lower case letter, one capital
letter, and one number.
If you do not know your password, please include your name, phone number, and user id in the e-mail and request your password
be reset. The AOIC will return a new password to you via e-mail. You are then required to change your temporary password to
secure access to the site and your personal information.
Shared e-Mail:
Request ID